Quality vs Price - the work glove conundrum
Safety is often tied in with the price. Cheaper options tend to be far more tempting, and this is especially the case when economic times are tough, but the truth is that this can actually cost you way more in the long-term. If you can, you need to look beyond the price of the product so that you can examine some of the other factors. This will help you to determine the overall cost of work gloves.
Injury Prevention
Millions of working days are lost every year due to non-fatal workplace injuries. They cost millions of businesses billions every single year, and if you decide to buy cheap gloves then you might not be providing your workers with the protection they need. They may have a lower level of productivity, and this can mean that the cheap gloves you saved money on at the start don’t end up being such a good deal after all. If you choose to buy more expensive gloves, on the other hand, you can extend the life while also decreasing injuries. The higher cost may end up being double the cheapest pair, but the annual cost that you will experience overall will actually come too far less.
Safety gloves have to provide a level of dexterity and comfort. They also need to provide a good level of protection. Some gloves can even be used with mobile devices, meaning that they have touch-screen sensitivity. If you spend more, then sometimes you can make sure that all of your workers can do their job much more efficiently.
Standardising the Workplace
It may be that you need to make sure that your gloves are colour-coded. This will reduce the amount of styles that are worn by workers when handling different jobs, and it may even make training way more simple as well.
Saving Money
At the end of the day, you might not want to spend a small fortune on gloves. This is understandable, but at the end of the day, sometimes trying to save a bit can ultimately mean that you end up spending a lot. If you want to help yourself then you need to take into account the needs of your company and the size of the team you have. For example, if you have a huge team then you may want to make sure that you are able to buy high-quality gloves because you have the budget. If you are just starting out as a company on the other hand then lower quality gloves may be a better solution, but ultimately, you need to make sure that you take into account the fact that over time, you may end up paying for them in other ways.
All in all, the type of gloves you go for and the expense that you pay will depend on the company you have and your budget. Buy Any Gloves have a huge range of gloves designed to suit your every need, so if you want to find out more then please do check out our selection.