Golf is back! Get your gloves!
You have all the room to keep your distance, the equipment you use is personal and is kept entirely hygienic. The fresh air and wide-open spaces will be a nice break with the confinement of our homes and gardens.
The hygienic approach to golf gloves
If you are planning to go out and golf again, perhaps it’s a great time to treat yourself to some new golf gloves. It’s not only an ultimate treat for yourself, but it’s also sensible if your old gloves are a bit worn and potentially have a few cracks. Leather golf gloves take quite a beating when being used. It has to endure the sweat, the wear and tear of gripping the club and swing. Also, most golf gloves end up in your golf bag for quite a while, accumulating dirt and whatnot over time.
Especially now, you most likely didn’t get a chance to use your golf gloves for a while, it might be time to get yourself a fresh pair.
Cleaning regime
To keep your leather golf gloves in top condition and the leather supple, you will want to keep to a cleaning regime after using them. This will ensure you get the best and longest use of them. It just takes a small amount of time and effort. Don’t overdo it as rigorous washing will shorten the life of your golf gloves. Go easy, and your gloves will last a while.
Wash with mild detergent
Make sure you rinse your gloves with some cold water to get rid of the dirt. Make sure you get the leather properly wet. In a bucket or a sink with the plugin, get some cold water and a bit of soap going. Make sure to get some decent suds by moving the water around. Drop your golf gloves in and swirl the water. This will remove the dirt and sweat you missed on the initial rinsing.
Dealing with tougher stains
If you have stains, use a little cloth with the soapy water to rub it out. Once you are satisfied, rinse the gloves with cold water until the water runs clear, and all the soap is gone. Leave your leather golf gloves to air dry on a towel. Leave it for at least two hours.
Prevent shrinking of your golf gloves
To prevent your golf gloves from shrinking, make sure to put them on about 2 hours into drying, at the latest 3 hours in. Wear them for a good 5 to 10 minutes and make sure to stretch the leather. After this, you can take the leather golf gloves off again and let it finish air drying for the next 10 to 12 hours.
Best practices for your leather golf gloves.
Make sure to avoid crumpling up your golf gloves and consider using some leather conditioner to keep the leather supple. With decent care, golf gloves can last a few months with proper care for even the most frequent golfers. Be aware, though, that, even with the best of care, golf gloves will break down from wear and tear and perspiration and will require replacing eventually.
Another good moment to treat yourself to new leather golf gloves again!