5 Health and Safety Rules Construction Workers Should Know
There are a lot of different rules regarding health and safety in construction. In fact, there are more than 25 different regulations that apply to the construction industry. This includes everything from The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations to The Confined Spaces Regulations. With that being said, in this guide, we are going to take a look at five health and safety rules that all construction workers need to know about.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
Firstly, we are going to begin with RIDDOR. These regulations require all self-employed individuals, employers, and anyone in control of construction premises to report workplace accidents and illnesses. The purpose of this is so that the HSE is able to investigate serious accidents, identify how risks arise, and monitor any accident trends.
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
Next, we have the PPE rules and regulations. As you may have gathered, these rules outline that all construction workers need to wear Personal Protective Equipment. Of course, the type of PPE that is required will depend on the situation. For example, Hi-Vis clothing needs to be worn when visibility is poor. Other common pieces of PPE include workwear gloves and safety goggles, as well as safety boots.
Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974
These are the general health and safety regulations that apply to all workplaces. They set out the framework for maintaining health and safety in the United Kingdom. They cover all aspects regarding health and safety. This includes everything from assessing potential risks to putting measures in place to ensure that these risks are managed.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations
These regulations mean that employers need to carry out a risk assessment on all manual handling tasks in construction that could result in an injury risk. They must ensure that the correct handling procedures are followed and that their employees have the equipment they need. The four main areas of manual handling include the layout of the environment, the characteristics of the load, the capabilities of the individual performing the task, and the nature of the task.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations
Finally, these regulations involved statutory control procedures that are in place to make sure that workers are not exposed to asbestos in the workplace. There are a lot of instances whereby construction workers could be dealing with old businesses that have asbestos in them, and so these regulations are very important.
So there you have it: five important rules that all construction workers need to know when it comes to health and safety. Of course, the rules that have been mentioned only scratch the surface, and so it is imperative to make sure that you are up-to-date with all of the laws that are in place so that you do not find yourself in trouble.